
CS201: Introduction to Python Programming

sCS201: Introduction to Python Programming

Course Description

An introduction to programming basics through the Python language, a powerful yet easy to learn coding language.

The Python programming language has quickly become one of the most utilized programming languages over the past few years in a variety of fields, including artificial intelligence and data science. Students will be introduced to Python and general programming concepts through a combination of interactive lessons and the creation of multiple game projects that will reinforce the students’ Python knowledge as well as program design fundamentals.

The first class session will cover software installation, configuration, and introductions.

Project Concepts Taught
Rock-Paper-Scissors Game Conditional statements
Random number generation
Creation of helper functions
Use of different loop types
Tic-Tac-Toe Game Multidimensional Lists
Nested For loops
Validating user input
Hangman Game Use of the Set data structure
Advanced conditional structures
Complex function design


– No available schedule yet –


Are there prerequisites for this course?


What hardware and/or software we need to take this course?

You will need a PC or Mac computer with high speed internet connection as well as a headphone with a mic.

What if I have other questions about taking this course?

Please contact us through email at, one of our counselors will assist you.

What is your Miss class Policy?

There is only ONE free make up lesson available. Please coordinate with instructors on scheduling.

What are the backgrounds of your instructors?

Our instructor team includes professionals of Master’s Degree in Computer Science from Accredited Institutions.